Community and harmony with nature
Caring for each other and our environment

Our non-profit organization advocates for ecological community living, where diverse individuals with shared values come together to contribute to a meaningful and enriching experience. Each person brings unique skills and passions, shaping the community organically.


Our efforts include:

  • 100% renewable energy

  • Chemical-free environment

  • Minimizing waste

  • Recycling and upcycling

  • Composting

  • Water-saving devices

  • Planting trees

  • Permaculture vegetable garden

  • Prioritizing local and organic food

  • Eco-friendly cleaning products

  • Water dispensers with filter system

I believe that living close to nature enhances our overall well-being, contributes to improved sleep, reduces stress, and increases creativity and productivity.

Join us on a journey towards a brighter, healthier future!
